From GCubed Founder & CEO Vernon Green Jr.:
I stand behind Jess Foster for the Virginia House of Delegates because she has a proven track record that we need in Richmond. Jess has been on the frontlines of the criminal justice system working with at-risk youth for ten years. She is a juvenile defense attorney who represents children who are delinquent, truant, or otherwise in need of services. She is a member of the Northern Virginia Juvenile Justice Transformation Team for Prince William County where she and other stakeholders provide input to the Department of Juvenile Justice on best practices so that evidence-based changes can be made to promote success and reduce recidivism rates among court-involved youth.
When I asked Jess, how would her expertise as a Juvenile Defense lawyer be utilized in Richmond, she stated, “My focus is on keeping kids in the classrooms and out of the courtrooms. We must give our educators the tools they need to identify at-risk children before it becomes a court issue. At risk youth does not necessarily mean delinquent – these are kids that are hungry, bullied, or have unmet special needs too. We are making huge strides here in Virginia in juvenile justice and we must continue by investing in education and recognizing the long-term benefits of prevention and rehabilitation.”
As someone who cares about and is active in the betterment of our community, I proudly support and endorse Jess Foster for the Virginia House of Delegates, 88th District. I have had the pleasure to sit down with her and discuss the issues; she represents the level headed, critical thinking skills we need to represent us in Richmond. I humbly request that you vote in the general election on November 5th to elect her as the next Delegate.